Long out of print but back in stock! Robert Williams' epically strange Zombie Mystery Paintings! Limited supply.
A collection of 40 paintings by Williams that are morally insolvent and grossly artistic. Covers his 'Middle Years'. Features the classic Two Bull Dykes Fighting for the Privilege of Buying a Prostitute a Banana Daquiri.
"Robert Williams' Zombie Mystery Paintings are vivid American nightmares —a gaudy carnival midway of our seething, barbaric collective subconscious. There's a certain hard-ass, low-life, antisocial, hoodlum aspect to his work. He makes a raggedy-assed joke of our most touchy areas; not the kind of joke you go 'ha-ha' at —oh, no —it's more an ironic little wrenching in your gut... yeah, lots of fun."
—R. Crumb, from the Introduction