Trini Trapeezee Siren of the Swing
MRDA0009 Stock Level:
In Stock
Whenever you go to the circus, you'll see all the guys crowding around Trini's ring. Ms. Trapeezee is in many ways the real star of the circus, being a superb aerial acrobat, and the only member with any real bankable talent. She can do things on that swing that, uh... well nevermind.
She came from somewhere behind the dreaded "Iron Curtain". When she met the Ringmeister, he promised to take her away with the circus. Of course she thought he meant "The" circus. You know the one I mean. But instead it was just "a" circus, and not even one that was decent. Or safe. Or licensed. Poor Trini.
Someone said she might have a slight thing for the boss' pal "Meester".
Approx. 4.5" tall. Resin. Created by James Hakola.